Starting Weight: 189
Last Time Weight: 185.2
Current Weight: 184.4
Total Loss: 4.6
Current Measurements:
Upper Thigh: 23 inches- loss of 1 inch
Natural Waist: 37 inches- loss of 1 inch
Pant Waist: 42 inches- loss of 0
Chest: 41 inches- loss of 1.25 inches
So...I know I said that I wasn't going to weigh myself all month, but then I started to slack off. I wasn't getting up early and after that it was like a dominoe affect. Since I didn't get up early, then I would not eat healthy throughout the day, and then I would not do my Couch to 5k program when I got home. I am 3 days late to do the Week 4 Day 3. I just woke up early and did it today. I'm behind schedule, so this week will be playing catchup with that.
I had a loss of 0.8. Not too bad for slacking off. Could have been a lot better if I had been trying! I'm surprised I didn't gain like 3 pounds!
So, for those of you who have been following me for awhie you might remember this post. My
Challenge. Well, after I had told all of my coworkers they thought I was crazy! They said you should be happy if you lose like 3. They said my goal was too high and that it was way too much. Well.....they were right. I lost 3.25 inches when I wanted to lose 6. So, I was a little upset with myself because that means I can't get my necklace. So...yesterday I was all upset about it, and my hubby says, "You have lost 15.75 inches since you have started. Shouldn't you reward yourself for that? You never even rewarded yourself for those 12.5 inches you lost earlier!" And he is right. I am going to get the necklace and then I want to reward myself for every 6 inches OR when I reach the 10 pound mark. No timeline. Just when I get there.
So, I will be getting the necklace at the Rodeo on Thursday when I get to have a ladies night out to see the Black Eyed Peas!! Don't worry, I will take pictures!
Well, my friend Allison and I are taking the boys out to the Rodeo to do all of the little kid stuff while everyone is at work. C-yah later!!
Confession: I had 3 winecoolers last night with the hubby.
Cheer: I woke up early this morning and did the Couch to 5k program!! And I lost 0.8 pounds!!